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Testimonial from Hannes Meyer

Hannes Meyer is a wine maker who understands the importance of Income Protection, especially after a serious car accident left him with extensive injuries.

On the recommendation of his broker, Hannes Meyer took out a FMI Business Person Elect policy in August 2010. A year later, he was involved in a serious car accident. Suffering extensive injuries, Johannes was not able to work for 4 months and, being self-employed, this meant he could not generate the income necessary to cover his hefty medical bills. However, his FMI policy meant that his income was protected.

For Johannes, “I was so glad that I had a policy with FMI and I can’t believe how easily it all went through. The service was great. Without this kind of cover, I would have been broke – you just can’t be without it!” Johannes also points out how important it is to regularly review your policies, “I had enough cover for that stage. But I recently sat down with my broker and we have increased my cover. This is important because everything gets more expensive and you need to adjust your cover accordingly.” Asked to sum up his experience with FMI in one word, Johannes chose “Fantastic!”