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FMI Takes a Stand

In June, the FMI Marketing team hit the road and attended the Financial Planning Institute (FPI) Annual Convention in Johannesburg and the National Small Business Chamber (NBSC) My Business Conference in Durban.

The FPI is the largest annual event on the SA financial planning calendar. It offers keynote sessions from industry experts on a wide range of topics and includes an exhibition for companies to showcase their products. For FMI’s Legal and Compliance HOD, Wikus Joubert, the conference “offers likeminded insurance professionals the opportunity to discuss a range of topics, including the latest regulatory developments and challenges, as well as a valuable opportunity to network with other service providers and fellow FPI members.”

The FMI Marketing team also attended the NSBC My Business Conference in Durban. The NSBC is dedicated to developing small business in South Africa and the conference offers a forum for small business owners to learn, network, and be inspired. “The NSBC is aimed at new and small business owners, key target markets for FMI so these conferences give us a valuable opportunity to interact with our clients face-to-face,” says Michelle Leckie-Cuzen, FMI’s Marketing Manager.